Last Meal Ted Bundy


James Deen


James Deen is sitting comfortably on the white toilet bowl inside a makeshift prison cell. He stares straight into the camera as he introduces Ted Bundy and the last meal he had in prison before he was sentenced to death. He directly mentions that Ted Bundy might be one of his favorite serial killers because he’s interesting. He continues on with Bundy’s last meal in prison saying, “For his last meal, he decided to decline the request of getting the last meal and just took the standard one that they offer: medium raw steak over easy eggs, toast with jam and butter, orange juice and milk.” He then stands up and heads to the side to get the gold tray filled with the food that Bundy had. As he sits back on the toilet bowl and prepares to eat, James goes on talking about Ted Bundy, this time focusing on his crime. “Ted Bundy was a despicable human being. He raped and murdered thirty-five women. Not only did he rape and murder 35 women, but he was known as someone who would pretend to be injured, lure them away, hit them with a crowbar, keeping them kind of alive, so he could like play like how the cat does with a mouse that is about to die. He would rape them. He would murder them. Then he would stash their bodies somewhere, go somewhere else, do some other crazy Ted Bundy crap, come back, put makeup on them, and try to keep them pretty as long as possible so he could continue to have sex with their dead bodies.” James eats the eggs and steak first. He continues feeding the audience with information by saying that Ted Bundy was obsessed with power control, has a narcissistic personality and was a sociopath. In his own words, James simply calls him a fucking nut. Moving on to the toast, he talks about how Bundy thought that he was going to be from prison as he puts jam and butter on the bread. According to James, “He thought he was gonna get himself off. He thought he was going to get himself off the hook. I thought that he was fine with the last meal because he truly thought that to the last moment that he was gonna figure out a way to avoid the electric trap. This guy is a fucking nut ball proven that he escaped from jail while he was on trial.” James puts the tray on the bed. It was still filled with food. As he drinks the orange juice, he mentions that Ted Bundy’s last meal definitely tastes like prison food and is not good at all. He ignores the milk. “I’m not saying that Ted Bundy deserved better prison food. But I’m saying that if you have the option to get a last meal, don’t let your insanities get in ahead of you and order something fancy. Don’t fucking take this crap.”


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