Last Meal Gary Leon Brown


James Deen


James Deen is in a makeshift cell, asking his audience if the name Gary Leon Brown rings a bell. He introduces the man in such a way that everyone would think this is a documentary of his life. Gary Leon was sentenced to die through Lethal injection after committing a crime of murder. He stabbed a man 78 times, an obvious overkill. Just like how other prisoners subjected to death penalty are being treated, he is granted a request - his last meal. Gary Leon Brown ordered nothing fancy, just an ice cream sandwich from a vending machine. This is the food that James Deen is about to try himself. Putting his foot on Gary's shoe, he'll try to recreate Gary's last meal scene, in his very own version of course. James stuffs the ice cream sandwich in his mouth while recounting Gary's crime, and thinking of possible reasons why he ordered such food when he could have asked for a more pricey and heavier meal. At one point, James Deen smears the ice cream around his mouth. His messy appearance plus the ice cream melting in his mouth is just sexy. He eats without minding his manners and speaks in front of the camera with food stuffed in his mouth. This does not make him look less attractive though. He squeezed what's left of the ice cream sandwich with his fist before putting it all in his mouth. Next scene shows James seated on the toilet seat licking his fingers. Ice cream is still spread around his mouth, which wipes with his fingers before licking it clean. He provokes Gary Leon to rise up and get him. He feels good making fun of a dead man, especially if he is a killer. James doesn't only love food, he is also hungry for good justice and in the case of Gary Leon Brown, justice was served with a treat of ice cream.


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